Neck pain is the second most common reason patients seek chiropractic care. Each year between 30-50% of the general population suffers from neck pain. Almost 50% of all chiropractors patients seek help for different neck problems. Cervical functions are complex and play a key role in the musculoskeletal system. Precision mechanics neck consists of an intricate interplay between joints, sensitive deep musculature, and large parts of the nervous system. We are therefore completely dependent immobilize mechanics intact to keep the balance, perform precise movements, and orient ourselves by sensations of sight and hearing.
Most people who come to the chiropractor with neck problems come in with acute neck pain or neck kink, while a few find their way to the chiropractor after a whiplash injury, although research shows good results in precisely this type of damage. A few experience chronic neck pain and there may be many reasons for these problems. The most common are past trauma, hereditary and attitude-related symptoms such as stress at work and awkward postures. Our chiropractors possess the expertise required to diagnose and treat most neck problems.
To delve into the complaints related to the neck, check the menu on the right.
If you would like to make an appointment with one of the chiropractors at Chiro & Sports Med simply call our office on 9817 2005 and one of our friendly staff will organise an appointment for you.