Home > Conditions > Knee > Treatment for knee pain
Home > Conditions > Knee > Treatment for knee pain
Treatment by chiropractors will examine the knee joints around to form a comprehensive picture of the damage and its origin, so to diagnose. They will inspect your knee for any swelling, pain, tenderness and visible bruising. They will also check to see how far you can move your lower leg in different directions and use a combination of techniques to help alleviate pain. Knee injuries can come from injury in the knee joint, misaligned joints around, flat feet, leg length difference, and more. The treatment of knee pain is as varied as the cause.
If required, the chiropractor may first recommend an MRI and/or other specialist assessment which can help detect bone fractures and degenerative joint disease. Note: the National insurances cover the primary contact on an equal footing as by referral from a doctor.
The processing performed at Chiro & Sports Med clinic is conservative with a focus on unified optimal joint function and specific training aimed at neuromuscular control. Furthermore, they may refer you to a physiotherapist, osteopath, acupuncturist or masseur if this will give faster results. The overall aim of the treatment is to reduce inflammation, improve movement of the joints, relax any painful muscle spasms and strengthen your weakened muscles which will, in turn, ease the pain and lessen the symptoms.
Some common treatments include using ice to reduce inflammation around the joint and some soft tissue massage to help improve the knee’s range of motion. In addition, the doctor can apply chiropractic manipulation and mobilization techniques in the areas of restricted movement in the knee as well as surrounding joints. So treatment can include the following:
Remember that a good doctor will address the issues in and around the knee from the pain accordingly. Equally important they will also investigate if other alignment issues in other areas of the body that may actually be contributing to the knee pain. Most knee conditions respond well to chiropractic treatments and for the most part, do not require surgery. Finally, with the right chiropractic care, issues such as these can be corrected so you can live pain-free.